Sabtu, 29 Oktober 2022

Nexus Service Translation is a company engaged in translation services. We provide English-Indonesian and Indonesian-English translation services both written and audiovisual files.

Nexus is a link or connection. It means we as connector break your language barrier. We connect you from a language to another language. 
Pass your world with us! 
Easy Language Easy World!

The translation results of documents or videos that we translate from the original language to the target language are very accurate and can be trusted. Why is that? Because our translators have appropriate skills and professional in translating. Not only that, we also checked the translation results 2 times, translation result from the translator are corrected by the editor and checked again by a competent proofreader. We really make sure the translation results from us are very Accurate and Credible!

Why should Nexus Service?
By using our service, you will get an affordable price with accurate and credible results!

We service for
Written files: 
- CV
- Document article 
- Journal 
- Legal document
- Other forms

Audiovisual files: 
- Subtitle film 
- Video
- Song
- Subtitle for Podcast
- Other forms

The services we provide are open to the wider community who need the assistance of our translation services.  
Our translation is available for:
- The general public (Indonesia), 
- Overseas communities, 
- Company
- Among students
in accordance with the capability of our language provisions.

More details >>
We service for 
Indonesian - English
English - Indonesian

For Indonesian, we service any local language
They are: 
Javanese - Madurese 
Madurese - Javanese
Indonesian - Javanese 
Javanese - Indonesian 
Indonesian - Madurese 
Madurese - Indonesian
English - Madurese
Madurese - English 
English - Javanese 
Javanese - English

You can use our services start from 4$

*For Specific Price
For local to local language, we charged our translation service start from 4$ equal to Rp. 60.000

For Indonesian to Local, we charged our translation service start from 5$ equal to Rp75.000 

For Local to Indonesian, we charged our translation service start from 4$ equal to  Rp60.000

For English - Indonesian, we charged our translation service start from 5$ equal to Rp75.000 

For Indonesian - English, we charged our translation service start from 6$ equal to Rp90.000

For video, we charged 4$ equal to  Rp60.000 per minute for every language.
*Price based on exchange rate.

If within the specified deadline but nexus company has not completed the task then:
1. the result reaches 50% then you will pay 50% 
2. the result reaches 70% then you will pay 30% 
3. the result reaches 30% it will be free
4. If it hasn't been done at all, it will be free.

Have you decide to use our translation service? You may visit contact us

If you would like to know our translation result, you may visit our portfolio page. 

Hoping you enjoy and satisfied with our service!
Your satisfaction is our priority😊